Happy Blogiversary Design Carolinas!

Tamara Leicester photo thumbnailCan it really be a year already since I threw off the velvet handcuffs of Corporate America and launched a blog and a design business? What an amazing year it has been. When I started Design Carolinas, it was like setting off on an adventure into the great unknown. The blog took me to places I might never have visited, like this pottery town and this craft fair. It connected me with a great many lovely and talented people I would have never met, like this painter and this jewelry designer and this artist. It opened doors I would not have known were there. And each door that opened naturally led to more doors, so in that way the adventure has been ongoing.

My primary goal for Design Carolinas today is the same as when I started: to showcase the talented artists, unique stores, and one-of-a-kind finds native to the Carolinas. Occasionally, I have also included my travel discoveries, shared design tips and trends, or shared my own exploits in decorating and DIY. I hope the blog can be a resource for anyone who wants to make their home personal and beautiful while supporting small businesses and the local economy. I know many of my readers subscribe by email and may not visit the website often, so I want to point out the new Shopping Guide feature, where you’ll find a list of stores and businesses I’ve profiled by location.

Even after a year of blogging, with over 50 posts covering a range of local stores and artists, I still feel I’ve only seen the tip of the iceberg. Heck, there’s a whole state (SC) I haven’t even made it to yet! In my second year I’ll make it a point to seek out more sources south of the border: Greenville, Charleston, and points in between.

There have been some surprises along the way. I am tickled that the most popular posts I’ve written have been my little forays into DIY upholstery (a footstool and a headboard). Truth be told I am much more about SEDI (Someone Else Do It) than DIY. But you know what? My newfound skill with a staple gun actually proved itself handy last weekend when I helped create a fabric-draped arbor for my sister’s backyard wedding. (Yes, there will be photos and a blog post soon!)

One thing I have learned about blogging is that it’s mainly an intrinsically rewarding endeavor. Fame, fortune, notoriety? Fairly rare to achieve in the blogging world. A fortunate few might earn a modest income from ads, but I’ve decided to keep Design Carolinas ad-free. For me, the intrinsic rewards are priceless. I am thrilled to share my passion for design, and discover and promote local design resources with my community of readers. Each “You have a new subscriber” alert I receive in my inbox is a gift, and it makes my day. Thank you to my readers and to those of you who comment and share my blog with your circle of friends. It means the world to me.And a big thank you to my family: my husband and son, who have joined me on this blogging adventure. For waiting while I put the finishing touches on a post, for helping me capture just the right photo, for enduring some long car rides to our various destinations, and for excellent behavior (James) while I visit non-kid-friendly shops. Thank you for your patience, your care, and your adventuresome spirits. I couldn’t do this without you!

Tamara and family

Me with my Design Carolinas support staff.