Light, Bright & Colorful: Spring Refresh

Spring porch flowers thumbnail imageThe GORGeous weather we’ve had this week has me itching to throw off the accoutrements of winter. (Sad excuse for a winter though it was.) With the windows flung open and birdsong filtering through the house, it seems about time to re-instate regular pedicures and maybe take down that last remaining Christmas decoration (oopsie!)

Fall and spring are the two times a year I like to refresh our home decor. The throw pillows get an outfit change, trading velvet and felt covers for crisp cotton and bright silk. Heavy tablecloths and runners get replaced with natural fiber cloths and floral prints. In a world where money was no object I’d swap out the draperies with the season too, with airy linens that waft in the breeze. Spring is when flowers return to our front porch planters, and the one time of year we spend more at the garden center than the wine store. Here I share some of my home’s spring updates, and some of my favorite finds for the season too.

We started off the week on a gardening binge. And by we, I actually mean my husband, because he does all the work of planting and maintaining the garden. But James and I got to pick out the new front porch flowers:

James at the garden center

James says the flowers smell like peanut butter. Hmm, I’m not sure about that…

Spring porch flowers

These are called “Senetti”. Never heard of them before, but I love the color!

Next, the interior updates. For the record, I did not buy ANY NEW THROW PILLOWS. No.New.Throw.Pillows. Can you tell it’s a touchy subject?

Spring pillows

My rust and ivory theme from winter was traded for turquoise and orange for spring. This mishmash of pillows was collected over the years from various chain retailers and Etsy.

Sisal the cat sleeping

My pristine pillow arrangements always have a short shelf life. Before long it’s back to a squashed up, fur covered mess. SO comfy though.

dining table

I updated my dining table with some fresh hydrangeas and natural colored linens. Keeping with my spring color theme, the shelves in the background were re-styled with orange and turquoise accessories.

If the warm weather has you in the mood for some seasonal updates too, here are a few light, bright and springy finds from some of my favorite places:

sun porch pillows from FloraDora

Just because I’m on a pillow moratorium doesn’t mean you have to be. I love these cheerful indoor/outdoor porch pillows from Etsy seller FloradoraInc (click photo for details).

Neva Starr planting

Etsy artist Neva Starr creates beautiful plantings using upcycled and vintage containers. This one would be so pretty on a window sill (click photo for details).

Burlap runner from Couleur Nature

This simple burlap runner is the perfect backdrop for a casual summer brunch, but versatile enough to use year round. Via Couleur Nature (click for details).

Finnstyle_iittala korento

Again, if money (and cabinet space) was no object, I’d purchase this gorgeous pattern by Iittala for spring and summer. Via (click for details).

DWR outdoor torch

These clean lined torches would be perfect while enjoying an evening beverage on the patio. Via DWR (click for details).

Welcome, Spring 2012! And Happy St. Patrick’s Day.